A Guide To Dealing With Limited Mobility As You Get Older

A Guide To Dealing With Limited Mobility As You Get Older

As a person gets older, it is not only their hair and skin that changes.

Yes, you may find yourself with a mane of silver, flowing hair that is visually stunning, but for many people, getting older also brings with it complications related to mobility and movement. 

Issues with limited mobility in older age can be due to conditions such as arthritis or may even be the result of a larger complication such as a stroke.

For you to live your best life in your home, you will need to assess how serious your mobility issues are and then make the appropriate changes.

So, with that in mind, what are some of the things that you can do with yourself or your home to help you better manage limited mobility? Here is a quick guide.

Accurately Determine the Limitations

Firstly, you need to ascertain the cause of the mobility issues and assess the limitations that you have. Many people notice that as they age, their joints may feel stiffer and harder to move. 

Or, it may be the case that the mobility issues have appeared suddenly as the result of another condition. 

Irrespective of the cause, you need to undertake an assessment with the help of medical professionals and home carers to see what may be needed for you to live an independent life. 

It may be the case that you need to invest in some different flooring options to prevent falls or you may need to look into elderly live-in care.

Grab Rails

The biggest issue that many people with limited mobility face is falls in their homes. 

Indeed, as the stiffness of the joints increases, a person may fall more in the home, which will usually lead to adaptations being made.

One of the main areas where falls can happen in the home is in the bathroom and on the stairs. So rather than risk that, you may want to have some grab rails fitted.

It is worth making sure that these grab rails do not come loose, so if you rent your home, make sure that you have permission to have them fitted to the walls with screws.

Look Into Mobility Scooters

Of course, a person rarely wants to stay at home all the time. Ergo, when everything starts to feel a bit tense and sore when out and about, it can be worth talking to your medical team about a mobility scooter. 

Frankly, mobility scooters are amazing and can be navigated with the flick of a wrist.

They can also be personalized in your favorite colours, or with stickers and chains, while also helping you to maintain your independence.

Depending on where you live, you may even be able to get a mobility scooter for free from your healthcare provider.

Take Medication and Exercise

Mobility issues rarely occur in a vacuum; for many people, one of the core issues that they may experience alongside stiff joints is discomfort. 

So, be sure to stay in touch with your doctor to discuss the appropriate medication for you. Also, be sure to look into physical therapy which, in the case of conditions like arthritis, will be able to help you maintain your mobility for as long as possible.

Take it a Day at a Time

One thing that many people who have limited mobility struggle with is how quickly it can change. Suppose you have limited mobility due to arthritis; on Monday, you may be able to handle moving around in your home, with only the assistance of a painkiller.

Come Tuesday, if there is a cold snap, you may struggle with going up and down stairs. 

This is frustrating for anyone so, remember to try and take it one day at a time. There will be good days and there will be bad ones but, the key thing to remember is that no matter how difficult you may find it to move around, there are the aforementioned options to help you.

If you notice that your mobility is becoming harder to manage, please seek out the advice of a doctor or nurse ASAP.

In relation to conditions like arthritis, you can plan when you expect there to be a good day (warmer weather) or a bad day (icy, wet weather). 

This will allow you to alternate your medication schedule or exercise to help you plan and prepare for those sorer days. 


  • Stephen

    Stephen is now retired. He spent 25 years in community welfare and is one of the co-founders of life over 50. He has a keen interest in everything concerning this special age group.....and makes valuable contributions to the site. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, cycling and gardening. Also a keen jazz music lover!

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