50 year old unemployed women

50 year old unemployed women

Being unemployed is something that happens to most people at some point in their lives, so preparing for this often challenging and tumultuous time is very important, especially as you get older.

Younger women tend not to suffer as much as 50 year old unemployed women when it comes to being unemployed because their age is a protective factor against certain difficulties, and this means that those over fifty need to be aware of how they can be happy and unemployed at the same time.

Stay Socially Active

Work provides women with opportunities to socialize, so when you are a fifty year old unemployed woman, you need to make sure that you get out there and make more of an effort to stay in touch with people.

You can socialize by joining a book club, taking up a new sport or even joining a dinner club – no matter what you pick, just make sure that it gets you out of the house, socializing with others.

Interacting with others has been known to lower anxiety and depression levels and even extend the lifespan of those over fifty, so don’t think of this as a simple night out on the town – think of it as the chance to extend your life.

Be Aware of Negative Thinking Patterns

Negative thoughts can lead to a range of psychological and physical difficulties, so take some time to think about your thoughts as you go about your day.

Do you catch yourself thinking negatively on a regular basis? If you are constantly putting yourself down, you might find it difficult to believe in yourself when the time comes to take advantage of a new opportunity, so don’t put yourself at this disadvantage.

Learn Something New

As a 50 year old unemployed woman, you might find yourself with more time than you had before, so take advantage of this. You might want to take the time to learn a new instrument, or that language you never had time to familiarize yourself with.

Learning something new is a great way to get excited about your day, to meet new people and even to add something new and exciting to your resume.

Reach Out For Support

Many fifty year old unemployed women admit to being too independent to talk about their struggles with finding work with those that they love, and this can often lead to isolation and increased feelings of depression and anxiety.

Make sure that you are getting the support you need by reaching out to those around you, when you need it.

Help Someone

They say the best way to help yourself is to help someone else, so consider this the next time you are having a tough day.

Whether you are volunteering at a local charity or simply reaching out to someone who has also lost their job, being helpful can go a long way to increasing your self esteem.

Being a 50 year old unemployed woman can be difficult in a world that puts so much value in professional success, but remember that being happy doesn’t necessitate having a job, so when you need to, you can find your joy in many other things.


  • Stephen is now retired. He spent 25 years in community welfare and is one of the co-founders of life over 50. He has a keen interest in everything concerning this special age group.....and makes valuable contributions to the site. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, cycling and gardening. Also a keen jazz music lover!

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4 thoughts on “50 year old unemployed women

  1. I definitely agree that it’s important to keep socially active when unemployed, since many do tend to fall into a mild depression. It’s also important to stay physically active, and get out of the house, whether alone, or with others, especially out in nature, which can lift our mood. This is a great time to explore avenues of interest you’ve been too busy working to look into in the past, and taking a class or two (some are even free) can give you something new to add to your resume, and could take your career in a new direction.

  2. I’ve been unemployed since I entered into my chosen unpaid profession of wife and mother– unpaid workforce which I signed at the altar for better or for worse. I couldn’t attach a well written, commendable CV under my sleeves every year for employment because babies after babies (now ages 28 –10 years old) kept me from working outside my home.

    Homeschooling, church activities, hometown visits with elderly friends at the nursing home, and family gatherings pretty much occupy my already full and busy week after week. Still, I’m open to being employed. But being an entrepreneur is stronger desire (with my husband’s super anuation fund) 🙂 welling up within me.

    You are right about the difficulties of not having my dream and desire to earn my own keep, and be able to generate money and contribute to our economy.

  3. My father told me that if I was unemployed, I had to make finding a job my full-time work. That was fine and dandy when I was young and people wanted to hire me, but when I lost my job at 55, there was no way anyone would hire me. I had to find opportunities online and make the best of them. I lost everything I owned – car, house, savings, self-respect and dignity, but I think sometimes it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now I get to sit home in my pajamas and work, and I get to decide how much I earn.

  4. There are several types of unemployed 50s women. A few that I have acquaintances, through a book club, are happily married unemployed housewives that live to entertain and keeps themselves rather busy. These not quite rich but certainly well off women are in no danger of depression or other mental depressions. They already follow this list automatically, planning events, and social parties all the time, whether it be friends, family, acquaintances, spouse’s coworkers or even grand-kids. The other type is the generally (there are always exceptions though!) poorer type class, where both husband and wife is employed. The women may simple start to feel the effects of aging, whether it is early onset menopause or simply start to work less than before. These women are the ones that usually fall prey to the effects this article mentioned. I have once been in this bracket and has vowed to try to reach other members of this age group, to urge them to keep busy and not let life put you down.

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