Over 50’s Express Dissatisfaction At How Politicians Treat Them

Over 50’s Express Dissatisfaction At How Politicians Treat Them

Recent findings by Age Scotland have uncovered a startling increase in older individuals feeling as though their lives are deteriorating and that they are undervalued by society.

As the Scottish Parliament will shortly reconvene following its summer recess, Age Scotland is urging politicians to view these results as a critical “wake-up call” .

It encourages MSPs and the government to prioritize the concerns and issues faced by older citizens.

According to Age Scotland’s extensive 2023 Big Survey, a growing percentage of individuals over 50 feel unappreciated by society, jumping from 51% in 2021 to 66% in 2023.

Additionally, more than half (56%) believe life in Scotland is worsening for older people, up from 34% in 2021.

In collaboration with Scotinform, Age Scotland engaged with over 4,100 individuals aged 50 and above from every local authority area in Scotland.

The research paints a distressing image of how the elderly perceive their treatment and representation in society in 2023.

A mere 8% of respondents feel satisfied that decision-makers and politicians appropriately handle issues affecting older citizens.

Nearly six out of ten people (56%) expressed dissatisfaction, on the other side of the spectrum.

Furthermore, only 3% found it easy to communicate their concerns with decision-makers, whereas a significant majority (56%) felt it was challenging to have their voices heard.

Some notable changes in attitudes since 2021 include:

  • A decline in older people feeling valued within society – from 21% in 2021 to just 13% now.
  • A decrease in those who believe life is improving for older citizens – dropping from 25% in 2021 to a mere 12% now.
  • Only 3% think it’s easy to be heard by decision-makers.
  • A scanty 3% of older individuals feel positively represented through media outlets.
  • Just 16% maintain a sense of optimism for their own future.
  • A paltry 8% feel hopeful about the prospects of future generations, including their grandchildren.

Top concerns highlighted by older citizens were timely access to healthcare, cost of living adjustments, affordable and energy-efficient housing.

There needs to be more emphasis on tackling loneliness and isolation, enhancing public services, and environmental protection.

Navigate the complexities of UK parking laws and regulations while exploring the frustrations expressed by individuals over 50 regarding political treatment. Delve into this insightful examination of civic issues and concerns on LifeOver50.

Explore the evolving trends and societal perceptions surrounding individuals over 50 embracing parenthood, challenging conventional norms and expectations. Join the discourse on family, age, and social change on LifeOver50


  • Stephen is now retired. He spent 25 years in community welfare and is one of the co-founders of life over 50. He has a keen interest in everything concerning this special age group.....and makes valuable contributions to the site. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, cycling and gardening. Also a keen jazz music lover!

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