Stay Stylish and Age-Appropriate- Guide For The Over 50s Guy

Stay Stylish and Age-Appropriate- Guide For The Over 50s Guy

A man’s fashion sense doesn’t diminish with age. If anything, fashion for men over 50 becomes more refined and sophisticated, with years of experience shaping a discerning eye for style.

Whether you’re a silver fox like George Clooney or a style Icon like David Beckham, dressing well in your 50s and beyond is not just possible, it’s essential.

Times have changed, and we middle-aged men no longer have to dress like our fathers did.

I actually remember my father (a construction worker) going to work on buildings sites in the 60s,  wearing a well-worn old (dark) suit and tie, and a flat cap!

He was in his 40s at the time, and that was just how many middle-aged men dressed back then.

How times have changed!

So now that we men over 50, have the freedom to dress how we like essentially, let’s look at some guidelines to keep you stylish…and age appropriate!

Fashion Is No Longer Limited By Age

Fashion is not limited by age, and we men over 50 are no exception to this rule.

In fact, fashion for men over 50 can be a wonderful blend of grace and style, wrapped in comfort and elegance.

Fashion For Men Over 50

Embracing the right fashion can not only make you look at your best but also boost your confidence and make you feel younger.

Fashion for men over 50 isn’t about following the latest trends blindly but finding what works best for you and your personality.

It’s about feeling comfortable in your skin and dressing in a way that reflects that.

Don’t forget that many younger women like older men, so bear that in mind next time you’re choosing an outfit

So embrace the following fashion tips, and let your personality shine through your style!

Mastering the Fit

  • Importance of Fit

The golden rule for any man, regardless of age, is fit. Clothes that are too tight or baggy can spoil even the most expensive outfits.

A well-tailored outfit, on the other hand, can work wonders for an older waistline, creating an illusion of slenderness.

over 50s fashion tailoring

Don’t be afraid to invest in a tailor who will ensure your clothes highlight your best features and disguise the less flattering ones.

  • Achieving the Right Fit

Your outfits should skim your body, not cling to it. Avoid extreme fits, such as skinny jeans (slim fit is fine) or oversized sweaters.

Opt instead for straight or slightly tapered cuts that flatter your body shape. Ensure your shirts and jackets are the right length, ending at the hip bone for a streamlined silhouette.

Colour and Pattern Play

  • Embrace Colour

Age shouldn’t dictate your colour palette, with fashion for men over 50.

While avoiding neon hues or overly bright shades is smart, there’s no reason to limit yourself to greys and browns.

Add some colour to your wardrobe with items in deep blues, rich reds, forest greens, or even pastel shades.

Remember, the goal is to find colours that complement your skin tone and make you feel good.

  • Experiment with Patterns

Don’t shy away from patterns. Stripes, checks, plaids, and polka dots can all be incorporated into your wardrobe. Stick to smaller, more subtle patterns for a sophisticated look. Remember

Don’t shy away from patterns. Stripes, checks, plaids, and polka dots can all be incorporated into your wardrobe.

Stick to smaller, more subtle patterns for a sophisticated look. Remember, the key is balance. If you opt for a patterned shirt, keep your trousers solid and vice versa.

Fashion For Men Over 50 – The Art of Layering

  • Understanding Layering

Layering is an art form that men over 50 can master with ease. It allows you to combine textures, colours, and patterns in one outfit, adding depth and interest to your look.

Plus, it’s practical. The ability to add or remove layers means you can adapt to changes in temperature throughout the day.

  • Perfecting Your Layering Game

Start with a base layer, such as a crisp white shirt or a lightweight roll neck. Add a middle layer, like a v-neck sweater or a waistcoat.

Top it off with an outer layer, such as a tailored blazer or a classic trench coat. Remember, each layer should be visible, and the fabrics should work harmoniously.

Footwear For The Stylish Over 50s Man

Another essential item is a pair of sneakers. Yes, you heard it right! An older man in sneakers can look chic.

Sneakers are no longer just for the gym or running errands; they have become an integral part of the modern man’s wardrobe. They offer comfort without compromising on style.

A clean, classic white sneaker can be paired with your favorite denim or chinos for a smart casual look.

Essential Wardrobe Items For Dress In Your 50s

  • Must-Have Items

Every man in his 50s should own a well-cut suit, a smart blazer, a selection of dress shirts, a pair of well-fitting jeans, and a few stylish sweaters.

A good-quality leather jacket, a trench coat, and a couple of casual button-down shirts are also useful additions, when it comes to fashion for men over 50.

In terms of accessories, invest in a good quality watch, a pair of sunglasses, and a few ties to add a touch of personality to your outfits.

stylish accessories man over 50
  • Investment Pieces

Your 50s are an ideal time to invest in those high-quality pieces you’ve always wanted.

This could be a luxurious cashmere cardigan, a leather briefcase, or a pair of designer shoes.

Choose classic items that will stand the test of time and can be mixed and matched with various outfits.

Mastering Casual Dressing

  • Defining Casual

Casual dressing does not equate to sloppy dressing. It’s about looking relaxed and comfortable while still appearing stylish and put-together.

Swap your suit pants for chinos or dark-wash jeans, and trade your dress shoes for clean white trainers or sleek leather loafers.

Denim Is Always A Go To Item

One of the classic pieces that every older man should have in his wardrobe is a pair of good-quality denim. 

Denim is a versatile item that never goes out of style.

It can be paired with anything from a crisp white shirt to a casual t-shirt or blazer.

A good fit is crucial here- neither too baggy nor too tight. It should just perfectly fit you, enhancing your body shape without drawing undue attention.

  • Casual Outfit Ideas

Pair a polo shirt with tailored shorts for a summer afternoon, or team a chunky roll neck sweater with straight-cut jeans for a winter coffee date.

For a smart-casual look, try a crisp white shirt, navy blazer, and beige chinos.

Dressing for Formal Occasions

  • Formal Dressing Basics

For formal occasions, a well-tailored suit is a must. Opt for dark colours like navy or charcoal and pair with a crisp white shirt.

A slim black tie and polished black shoes complete the look.

  • Formal Outfit Ideas

For black-tie events, a tuxedo is the classic choice. Alternatively, a dark suit worn with a black bow tie can also work.

For less formal yet still dressy events, a dark suit paired with a coloured or patterned tie can strike the right balance between formal and fun.

Accessorising Smartly

  • The Power of Accessories

Accessories can make or break an outfit. They are the perfect way to show your personality and elevate your look.

Choose quality over quantity, and remember that less is often more when it comes to men’s accessories.

  • Accessory Essentials

Embracing Your Age and Personal Style

Age is Just a Number

Remember, age is just a number. You can be stylish at any age.

Additionally, it’s not about being super slim either when you are middle-aged. There are plenty of stylish items for the plus size man these days,.

Don’t try to dress younger than you are, but don’t feel you have to dress “old” either. Embrace your age and let your personal style shine through. Fashion for men over 50, is to be embraced.

Developing Your Personal Style

sharply dressed middle aged man

Your personal style evolves, reflecting your experiences, lifestyle, and preferences.

 Take time to understand what you like and what you feel comfortable in. Experiment with different styles, colours, and trends to find what works for you.

Incorporating Trends – Fashion For Men Over 50

Staying Trend-Aware

While you shouldn’t be a slave to trends, it’s good to stay aware of what’s happening in the fashion world.

You can incorporate elements of current trends into your wardrobe in a way that feels authentic to your personal style.

Adopting Trends Wisely

Be mindful of how you incorporate trends into your wardrobe. Choose one trend to try at a time and start small.

For example, you might try a bright tie or a colourful pocket square if bold colours are in.

If slim-cut trousers are the trend, try a pair in a neutral colour that you can wear with multiple outfits.

fashionable over 50s men

Looking After Your Clothes

The Importance of Care

Taking care of your clothes is crucial. It will keep them looking their best for longer, saving you money in the long run.

Clothing Care Tips

Always read the care labels on your garments and follow the instructions.

Most clothes are best washed on a gentle cycle and air-dried. Iron your clothes to keep them looking crisp and fresh. Store your clothes properly to prevent damage and keep them in good shape.

In conclusion, men’s fashion over 50 is not about trying to look younger or following every trend that comes along.

It’s about embracing your age and expressing your personality through your clothing. You can look stylish and feel great at any age with the right fit, colours, and styles.


  • Jack

    Innovative 54-year-old writer for Life Over 50. Based out of Manchster. Penning the future of fashion & tech for our seasoned readers. Age is just a number, style is timeless.

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